
The best way is always YOUR way!

From all the numbers in your numerology chart always the most important one is your lifepath number!
Although all numbers in the individual chart have to be seen in their specific relationship to each other and have of course their own significant importance on the spot (Name, Birthday, Personality, Personal year, etc…), the life path number is the most influential cycle, that spans from your birth until your departure. …

The best way is always YOUR way! Read More »

Ibiza – The magic melting pot of numbers!

When you go to a place and its heartnumber is the number of your expression, then the place is attracting you very much and \”asking\” for your talents to bring. When the expression of the place is your lifenumber, then the place has some interesting life experiences usually to offer for your growth.

When your heart number matches the places expression, then you will find your luck maybe there.Well, it s no secret, what I feel for this piece of soil on this planet as many others do, that came here already since long time. 

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Chuck Berry – auf dem \”Weg der 1\”


In einer Facebook Post fiel mir kürzlich dieses wirklich bemerkenstwerte und gleichwohl wunderbare Foto in die Hände von einem der \”Gründerväter\” der Musik Richtung, die in den 50er Jahren vieles massgeblich veränderte in Punkto Jugendkultur, Mode, Lifestyle, etc.

Das bemerkenstwerte für mich speziell war natürlich der \”Bezug\” zu der Aussage, die dieses Bild für mich persönlich assozierte: Originalität, Individualität, Vorwärtsdrang, Kreativität….\”Ich gehe meinen Weg auf meine Weise\”. …

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